Monday, August 20, 2012

SingTel will launch 4G tablet service with Prestige 75 plan

Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (SingTel) is launching 4G service for tablets in Singapore starting from August 28th 2012 which will allow its users to access speeds more than three times faster than current 3G services. The 4G service for tablets will be paired with a new subscription plan, the Prestige 75. Singapore's first fourth-generation (4G) tablets will be Asus Transformer Pad TF300TL and Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 (Long Term Evolution - LTE). They will be available at all SingTel stores by August 28th.

The Prestige 75 plan has a theoretical maximum speed of 75Mbps. But this speed can be hardly achievable in everyday usage. SingTel  promises a minimum download speed of 3.4Mbps and a maximum of 12Mbps.

SingTel Prestige 75 plan subscription plan will cost either 49.90 Singapore Dollars or  64.90 SGD per month depending on the size of the up front payment for the tablets:

For ASUS Tranformer Pad TF300TL 49.90 Singapore Dollars with up front payment of 549 SGD and 64.90 SGD per month with up front payment of 429 SGD.

For Samsung GALAXY Tab 8.9 (LTE) 49.90 Singapore Dollars with up front payment of 449 SGD and 64.90 SGD per month with up front payment of 329 SGD.

All these plans are for 10 GB bundle and $5.35 per GB (w GST) 1 July to 31 Dec 2012. $10.70/GB (w GST) from 1 Jan 2013. $94 (w GST) cap applies. [1]

[1] - SingTel to launch 4G service for tablets
[2] - SingTel launches Singapore's first 4G service for tablets

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